Undergoing Tooth Extraction but Don’t Know What to Expect Afterwards? Let Us Educate You

Undergoing Tooth Extraction but Don’t Know What to Expect Afterwards? Let Us Educate You

Dec 01, 2020

Have you been recommended tooth extraction as an adult making you wonder what you can expect after the extraction besides having a gap in your smile? Tooth removal during adulthood is, at times, necessary for various reasons. You may fear losing a tooth without knowing what after. However, if you continue reading this article, you will realize why the extraction was recommended and what to expect after tooth removal.

Your permanent teeth must last you for a lifetime, but many reasons may compel you to have a tooth extracted. The most common sense why tooth extractions near you recommend the procedure is that your tooth is either extensively damaged from decay or trauma and cannot be repaired. Tooth removal is also standard if you have a crowded mouth and are preparing to have your teeth straightened by an orthodontist.

If you have an infection and the damage extends to the pulp at the center of the tooth, the infection may spread, especially if root canal treatments or antibiotics cannot correct the issue. In such cases, an extraction is the only remedy available to eradicate the infection from your mouth. Tooth removal may also be necessary if you are affected by periodontal disease that would have loosened your tooth to necessitate removal.

What Can You Expect with Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extractions are performed by dentists or oral surgeons. Before proceeding with the procedure, dental professionals administer local anesthesia to numb the site from where the tooth must be extracted. In some cases, you can expect to receive general anesthesia that prevents pain throughout the body and makes you sleep during the removal.

If the extraction is for an impacted tooth, the oral surgeon cuts away the gums and bone tissue covering the tooth. After that, they use instruments like forceps to grip the tooth and tenderly loosen it from your jawbone. In some cases, the tooth is cut into pieces before removal.

After your tooth is extracted, a blood clot forms at the site of the extraction. Dentists put a dressing pad and ask you to bite down on it to stop bleeding. Sutures may be placed to close the gum edges near the extraction site. At times the blood clot may break away, exposing the bone in the socket. This is a condition known as a dry socket, which is quite painful. In such cases, your dentist places a sedative dressing over the socket to protect it until new clot forms.

Recovering from Tooth Extraction

The dentist in Katy, TX, allows you to proceed home after the extraction. Your recovery requires a few days, and the dentist provides all instructions on how you can minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of infections during recovery. Following the tips mentioned below will help in speedy recovery.

Tooth extractions in Katy, TX, will provide you instructions on the care you must take after the extraction procedure. The specific instructions of the dentist are mentioned below:

  • You must take any medications, either over-the-counter or prescribed, as recommended.
  • It would help if you bit down firmly on the dentist’s gauze pad to allow the formation of a clot in the tooth socket. You can change the gauze pads before they are saturated with blood. If not, you can use the pad in place for 3 to 4 hours.
  • Use an ice pack on your cheeks to prevent swelling of the procedure for 10 minutes at a time.
  • Twenty-four hours after the procedure is a time for relaxation. Limit your activities for the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • Do not rinse your mouth or spit forcibly 24 hours after the extraction as a measure against dislodging the clot on the extraction site.
  • You can brush and floss your teeth and tongue, making sure you avoid the extraction site.
  • You must not smoke or drink from a straw. Smoking can inhibit the healing process, and drinking from a straw can dislodge the blood clot.
  • Nourishment is essential even after tooth extraction. You can have soft foods like soups, yogurt, or applesauce on the day following the extraction. Gradually you can reintroduce solid foods into your diet as the extraction site heals.

You will experience some pain from the extraction as the anesthesia wears off. You must call the dentist in Katy if you experience severe pain or bleeding four hours after tooth removal. Healing entirely from the procedure requires about a couple of weeks as new bone and gum tissue grows into the gap. Consider tooth replacement as soon as possible to prevent your remaining teeth from moving out of position. Your dentist provides advice on the type of restoration you can have, which could be in the form of implants, bridges, or dentures. Reading through this article should make you confident about undergoing tooth extraction without undue stress.